
Membership costs £59 per annum and is available to purchase or renew on the Webcollect page here.

We also have a concessions rate (self-certifying) of £29.50

Member Benefits 

The benefit our members most appreciate is access to a group of like minded makers and suppliers for support, encouragement and advice.

Collaborations are also encouraged – you can contact the Guild if you think there may be a member who you would be interested in working with, or if there is a skill set you require in a project.

This is through:

  • Monthly Newsletter
  • #MakersHour on Twitter (every Wednesday 8pm-9pm UK time)
  • Virtual and real life meet-ups
  • Slack
  • LinkedIn Group

Other member benefits include:

  • Discounts on Guild of Makers events and workshops
  • Opportunity to insert advertising and advertorials in newsletters (GoM maintains editorial control)
  • Hosting opportunities during #MakersHour (GoM maintains editorial control) (Non-members may also host, Host-In-Chief coordinates)

*Terms and conditions apply

Membership is open to all – whether you are professional, hobbyist, a beginner or experienced Maker.

Our members are located across the world – see where we are here.

If you think the benefits of the Guild, with this focus, would benefit you and you would like to join, then you are welcome.

Currently we are only accepting members from those over 18 years old.