Sadly, we have made the decision to cancel the conference. Thank you for your support.
Wednesday 1st April 2020, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK.
Registration: 9:30, Talks start at 10:30, Lunch approx 12:30, Close by 17:30
Due some very generous sponsorship, we are able to offer some free tickets to those who would not normally be able to afford / justify coming. Please email if you would like to apply for one.
Speakers include:
Dr Lucy Rogers (@DrLucyRogers) – Inventor and Founder of the Guild of Makers, RAEng Visiting Professor of Creativity and Communication at Brunel UniversityAndy Stanford-Clarke (@AndySC), IBM CTO UK and Ireland – talking QuantumJo Hinchliffe (@Concreted0g & @ORocketry) – talking RocketsTanya Fish (@Tanurai) – talking about “Nothing new in making, so why bother?”Alex Clarke ( – talking Blending Physical and DigitalJude Pullen (@Jude_Pullen) – talking Creativity – nature or nurtureDavid Elliot, Art Therapist ( – talking about his workShow and Tell / Lightning Talks by members
Workshops and Tours:
Paper Animation Workshop with Rob Ives (@RobIves)Programming using Node-RED on a Raspberry Pi with Sean Tracey (@SeanMTracey) (Re-run of this … You need your own laptop to power + program the Pis.Knots with Robert Nixdorf (@diodenschein)Spud-Node construction workshop with Giles Corby from London Sculpture Workshop (@LondonSculpture)
Tours of Brunel University Engineering Department
Also, we will have our usual “Show and Tell” lunch time sessions and also a Swap Shop – so bring stuff you no longer want. (But please be prepared to take it home again if no-one else wants it!)